Fuel Payment Module

Before you start

Due to a Non-Disclosure Agreement, I am unable to share specific details or visual assets from this project. However, I can provide a high-level overview of my process and the challenges I addressed during the project.

Project summary

Enhancing Comarch Loyalty Marketing Cloud by introducing new functionalities for fuel industry clients, enabling them to offer a seamless digital experience to their users.


The existing solution lacked essential features for fuel industry clients, preventing users from accessing all available services.

My role

As a UX/UI designer, I was responsible for:

  • Reviewing documentation, analysis, and customer requirements
  • Creating initial and final designs
  • Collaborating with developers and the project manager
  • Analysed existing documentation & customer needs
  • Reviewed and adapted previous work from the Gas Station App
  • Created mockups using the design system & past components
  • Refined designs based on feedback from developers & PM
  • Developed a prototype to demonstrate the full user flow
  • Enhanced the pay-at-pump module with geolocation & discount coupons
  • Designed a wallet module for managing personal & company cards
  • Added transaction history with receipt & invoice downloads
  • Feature was not implemented before my departure
  • BA team feedback confirmed its value for users & companies
Lessons and challenges
  • Adapting the pay-at-pump module while maintaining usability
  • Ensuring simplicity & efficiency in the wallet module design
  • Collaboration with the BA team was key to aligning business & user needs


Comarch Loyalty Marketing Cloud is modular software used to create and manage loyalty programs. One part of this software is mobile app which can be customised to the needs of company and its customers.


The current solution lacked functionalities that would enable our clients in the fuel industry to offer their users access to all of their services.

Role & responsibilities

As one of the UX/UI designers on this project, I was responsible for reviewing the documentation, analysis, and customer requirements, as well as creating the initial and final designs.


First, we familiarised ourselves with the documentation, analysis, and customer requirements gathered by the analysis team.

Next, we reviewed the work we had done during our internship project (the Gas Station App) to determine if any of it could be reused for this project. We leveraged previously prepared benchmarking data, information architecture, and user flows, which we adapted to meet the specific requirements of this project.

Afterward, we created the initial mockups using components from our design system as well as elements from the designs we created during the internship project. We then consulted with developers and the project manager, made minor revisions, finalised the screens, and developed a prototype to demonstrate the complete flow.


We solved the problem by modifying and leveraging the previously designed complex pay-at-pump module, which uses geolocation to select the gas station and enables the use of discount coupons during transactions.

Additionally, we designed a wallet module that allows users to add both personal and company cards, view transaction history, and download receipts/invoices.


Unfortunately, the feature was not developed before I left the company, so I do not have information regarding its outcome or whether it was implemented. However, based on feedback from the BA team, the created solution added value for both users and the companies that would use it.

Lessons & challenges

A key challenge was modifying the existing pay-at-pump module to include new features like geolocation and discount coupons while maintaining usability. Additionally, designing the wallet module taught us the importance of simplicity in managing cards and transaction history. Collaboration with the BA team was crucial to ensure the solution provided value for both users and companies.

Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions about this or any other project, feel free to contact me.